Wednesday, March 2, 2011

An Unexpected Spark of Kindness

On occasion a small piece of luck befalls my otherwise rather mundane life. Why just the other day, I was sitting on the sofa absolutely engrossed in a book that I could not put down when Suddenly I realized I needed to go outside and pay for my parking. Now, parking may seem a trite topic, but in fact, it’s quite the opposite. Parking is a huge issue - no matter what city you go to. It is a universal issue dear reader. And you can take my word on that one.

So there I was sitting on the couch. I put down my book to go outside to pay for my parking until I had to leave (which was 3:30pm). I walked to the machine to buy a parking stub and get this...There was a pre-paid ticket stuck to the machine for up until 4:00pm! So lil old me didn’t have to pay for parking. Some nice person came along and paid for me. Perhaps they didn’t mean to buy two tickets or maybe they thought they would just put it there and make somebody's day. Well, I was stoked as I smiled to myself and took a breath in and danced a small jig at my luck. So, to whomever you are I humbly say “Thank you!” You made my day and I’ll be sure to pay it forward by paying the tab on the car behind me next time I go to McDonald's.

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